Even though Christmas and the time to eat speculoos cookies is over, I still want to share my recipe for speculoos semolina porridge with you! It's really easy and fast to make and also super delicious.
As a child, I used to love semolina porridge. Especially the ones for babies that come in little jars. I was mostly too lazy to make my own, although I know now that it doesn't make a lot of effort to cook some. Just cook semolina in some type of liquid, stir well and let it sit for a few minutes. Stirring it well is really important as I've found out! I suggest using a whisk for stirring so that no clumps form - that happened the first time I cooked semolina porridge when I used a spoon to stir the porridge.
Semolina porridge can be varied just like oatmeal: with cacao, vanilla, some fruits or with speculoos spice. On Instagram, I saw a lot of people around Christmas time making speculoos oats, and that's why I wanted to make some as well. When I was on the Christmas market in December, I came across a market stand from Just Spices; they sold a lot of different mixed spices, like their speculoos spice. I bought this one as well as the milk rice spice, which matches perfectly in this porridge. I can really recommend both of them!
So sehen die Gewürze dann aus That's how the spices look like inside |
- 50 g Grieß / 50 g semolina
- 300-400 ml Flüssigkeit (Pflanzendrink oder Wasser, gerne auch gemischt) / 300-400 ml liquid (plant milk or water, can also be mixed together)
- eine Banane, in kleine Scheiben geschnitten / one banana, sliced
- ca. 1/2 TL Spekulatius Gewürz (optional: mit dem Milchreis Gewürz von Just Spices vermischen) / about 1/2 tsp speculoos spice (optional: mix with the milk rice spice)
- Toppings eurer Wahl, z.B. Blaubeeren, Nüsse, Datteln oder Spekulatius Kekse / toppings of choice, for example blueberries, nuts, dates or speculoos cookies
- Die Flüssigkeit in einem Topf aufkochen lassen. Sobald es kocht, den Grieß und die Gewürze langsam unter ständigem rühren hinzugeben und die Temperatur runterschalten. / Heat up the liquid in a pot. When it starts to cook, add in the semolina and the spices while stirring continuously. Lower down the heat.
- Wenn der Brei etwas fester geworden ist, die zerschnittene Banane hinzugeben und verrühren. / When your porridge hets a bit more firm, add in the sliced banana and mix everything together.
- Sobald die gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist, den Brei in eine Schüssel geben und anschließend mit den Toppings dekorieren. / As soon as the desired consistency has been reached, put your porridge in a bowl and top it with whatever you like.
Der Brei schmeckt wirklich lecker und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr das Rezept auch mal ausprobiert!
This porridge taste so delicious and I'd be happy if you'd try it!
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